even the bad can be good

Candy causes cavities, right? Well, chocolate is candy and it has been proven to reduce tooth decay. Any bad done to your teeth by chocolate is offset and chocolate may protect the enamel of your teeth. The reason for this chocolate is loaded with calcium and protein. Cocoa bean, which is the primary ingredient in chocolate, has been shown to be able to kill bacteria and plaque. Scientists are even tossing around the idea of it being added to toothpaste and mouthpaste. Protecting teeth isn't chocolates only perk. Thanks to research from universities, we now know that eating a small portion of dark chocolate daily can assist in normalizing insulin levels. This is great for people who are at high risk for diabetes as it provides extra protection.

Chocolate is not alone in preventing tooth decay. Want to protect your child's teeth? Feed them cheese. Kids who eat cheese regularly have almost 33% less tooth decay than kids who eat little or none at all. The reason for this is that cheese neutralizes acid in the mouth. The acid is what the bacteria that cause cavities live on and without it, the bacteria cannot survive. 
If you need to reduce allergy symptoms, try eating a few ounces of nuts every day. Their full of omega-3 fatty acids which help keep your immune system strong. A strong immune system is better able to fight off viruses and bacteria and lessen the likeliness of a reaction to pollen. 

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