cruelty or exquisite?

We've seen a lot of these ads on the internet about eating foie gras. What is foie gras? Foie gras directly translates into "fat liver" and refers to duck or goose liver from force-fed animals. The liver, which is grossly enlarged by methodically fattening the bird, (also called: cramming) has been counted as a delicacy since classical times, when the force-feeding of the birds was practiced in Classical Rome. It is commonly accepted that this practice dates back much further, to ancient Egypt and was possibly picked up by the Jews during their period of "bondage" and passed on to the classical civilizations. In modern times the foie gras of the south west of France and that of Strasbourg, in the Alsace, have been the most renowned, although much of what is now consumed in France has its origin in Eastern Europe. There has been a debate going around for the past century about the cruelty of consuming foie gras. But is it really an big issue? Or its just a nature's balance? I've read a book regarding foie gras which i will later post up the link on the bottom if readers wish to purchase. "It is difficult to even phrase an initial question concerning the foie gras controversy because the phrasing might bias the answer, or the question may be ambiguous. For example, say we ask, is the production of foie gras cruel? The problem is with the definition of "cruel?" Couldn't we say that the raising of nearly all animals is cruel in some respect? As another example, we might ask whether ducks raised for foie gras suffer? But then what is the definition of "suffer?" Doesn't the raising of all animals involve suffering in some respect?" Indeed foie gras is a very delicate and high standard delicacy. When properly prepared and cooked, foie gras can be better than wagyu beef. But do you think it is too cruel to have the animal suffer for our own benefits? Or its just mother nature's call? I will leave it to my readers to comment whether you guys think that eating foie gras is ok or should be stopped. Some pictures to show some dishes of foie gras. Click on the duck picture to buy the book!

The Foie Gras Wars: How a 5,000-Year-Old Delicacy Inspired the World's Fiercest Food Fight

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